Looking to safeguard your business? 

partner with us

Your Business success is under constant threats of unforeseen risks, let us help you prepare to mitigate them before it’s too late. 

Our People

As a corporate citizen LINSWALE Risk Management Consultancy Limited adheres to the highest ethical standards.
 Our people are specially vetted and continually trained on conducting themselves to the highest standards of stability, fidelity, self-respect, honesty and morality.
 As a consultancy, integrity forms the core value of our operations which engenders client trust and custom.

Why Choose Our Firm


We strive to develop our people to the highest levels of professional competence in order to maximize their effectiveness. The company dedicates a considerable amount of resource for the continual training of its officers in their respective fields. Professionalism ensures that we remain at the cutting edge of our specialties such that we are able to offer our employers unsurpassed value. This enables our clients to gain a competitive advantage and remain leaders in their fields.

Innovation at work

Today’s fast-paced, information driven and increasingly integrated world is generating risks that are evolving with equal speed. Traditional risk management solutions are not always effective in every situation. Through innovation and flexibility we tailor risk management tools and techniques that enable our clients to achieve their goals.


In the field of risk management, we recognize that any deferred response to client needs is an added risk that portends a potential loss. We take pride in our core value of immediacy, by ensuring instantaneous response to client requirements.