Security & Risk
handled for you

We deal with the risk , leaving you with the core business

What makes us the right partner for your security needs

We pride ourselves in having a high-quality niche market within a relatively short period of time.

 This is based on the following core capabilities.

Our Vision

To be a world class provider of customized, professional security, Safety and Enterprise risk management services with demonstrable benefits to our customers.

Our Mission

To be the leading, preferred international Safety and Enterprise risk management services provider, by developing and delivering high quality, customer focused, avant-garde and immediate risk solutions, through a continually trained, professional, creative and effective workforce of high integrity that constantly adds value to our customers.

We protect you from risk and loss

Our clients are leaders in their varied fields and industries, demonstrating recognition of the essence of LINSWALE Risk Management Consultancy Limited services to their operations. References are available on request.